The Holy Spirit: Conviction & Courage > Caution

I recently saw someone comment on a social media post about God being the cause of our wonder. Someone commented, “The church of Christ could use some mysticism.” Followed by someone else who said, “…I believe an exercise in caution is worth consideration.” This is a common posture towards the Spirit, caution. But I believe we must take a new posture; conviction and courage.

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Nothing Can Stand in the Way of You Following Jesus

Leaving home for Mobile, Alabama gave me visions of an ocean’s worth of possibilities, the endless freedom of setting my sails to the wind and plotting my own course.

Instead what I was greeted with was a long dusty desert road of poor choices, failures, and an abandonment of all things spiritual.

Yet, it was on this path that I was found.

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The Better Gift: Paul’s Life Verse

In my living room there is a piece of scripture art that a friend made for me. It reads,  “And he died for all, that those who live should no longer live for themselves but for him who died for them and was raised again” (2 Corinthians 5:15). It’s my life verse. It reminds me that I no longer live for myself but for Jesus who died and defeated death for all.

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Catching Fire

2017-10-31 13.35.24“It is so good to still have you with us Jesus. We thought we’d lost you but here you are in the flesh. Those three days without you felt like an eternity but now that you’ve been with us for about, how long has it been? A little over a month? We couldn’t imagine life without you and we are ready for what comes next. So, me and the guys were wondering when are you going to restore the kingdom to Israel? What was that, Jesus? You’re leaving?”

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Next Step || Baptism & Calling

2017-05-30 13.30.26Acts 9 is not a passage that was included in Luke’s writings to teach us about baptism. It is there to tell us about the profound conversion experience and calling of Saul (Paul) and it includes his baptism. Paul is met by Jesus on the road to Damascus and is forever changed. Paul meets Jesus and is told what to do by Ananias and all that happens; his persecution of followers of the Way, the bright light, the voice of Jesus, the blindness, the fasting, his new calling, and his baptism are all included in his testimony. Continue reading “Next Step || Baptism & Calling”

Fast and See

fullsizeoutput_64.jpeg“For three days he was blind, and did not eat or drink anything.”  – Acts 9:3

Saul, better known as Paul, persecuted Christians. He was zealous for it and he was really good at it. He was following a lead which took him toward Damascus. But his plans were interrupted. Read Acts 9:1-19

Jesus stopped him in a flash, with a blinding flash of light from heaven. Saul, a man who thought he saw the will of God clearly, was now blind.

In his state of blindness Saul prayed and fasted for three days. What Saul experienced, there was no denying it – there was no denying that Jesus was the Risen Lord.

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