Live a Life of Love: Worship God

In college I accepted an invitation to attend a small church with some friends I had recently met. Everyone there was doing something I hadn’t seen before. They followed along with preacher’s sermon using their Bible. So as to not feel out of place I went out and bought my own Bible from a Book’s a Million in Mobile, Alabama. I was ready for the next time I went to that church.

Continue reading “Live a Life of Love: Worship God”


2018-01-23 12.20.00.pngDo this. Write down what it is that torments you. What is the cause of your fear? Is this also the cause of your suffering? What is binding you and keeping you chained and enslaved to darkness? It may not be just one thing. It could be several things, but maybe you could still give it a name. Put a name to it. Write it down.

Continue reading “Stronger”