Under King David’s leadership Israel conquered nations, expanded its borders extensively, and had entered a time of peace. Is this what made the Kingdom of Israel great? We need to have a clear picture of what made David and Israel great.
At First Glance – Read Exodus 19-20:21 Moses and the Israelites set up base camp at Mt. Sinai. God’s intentions are to have the Israelites close enough that they can hear Him speak to Moses. The priests are all ready for something to go down. They have been consecrated. God wants them to look but not touch. He names some very specific violent actions that are to be taken against anyone who even touches the mountain. Oh, and you better keep your lamb on a leash. For a time, I thought that God only talked to Moses but here the people can hear God or overhear Him. God’s preparing them to be a kingdom of priests, a Holy nation.