“Hello, sir! I am calling from Microsoft to inform you that there is a security breach on your computer. Your computer has been hacked and we have to act quickly before they steal all your files and sensitive information.” Have you ever gotten one of these scam calls? It wasn’t my first time getting one of these so my response was, “Are they stealing all my Netflix movies? I haven’t watched them all yet!” Continue reading “The Good Place: Guard Your Heart”
The Good Place: Present Future
Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount teaches us that heaven is not a future reward for those who do what’s right. It is a future reward and a present reality for those who trust in Christ. The Good Place is not just a place you go to. The Good Place is where Jesus comes to you. The Good Place is where people of faith practice the teachings of Jesus. With Jesus, The Good Place is where you live. Continue reading “The Good Place: Present Future”
Left to Our Own Devices: Power Down
Comedian Jim Gaffigan has a bit about taking his family to Disney World in his special Mr. Universe. He compares Disney World in July to standing in line on the surface of the sun. “Remember when you were a kid and you would go on vacation and go, ‘why is dad always in a bad mood? Now I understand.’” It’s funny because it’s true. Vacation isn’t always what it appears to be. Continue reading “Left to Our Own Devices: Power Down”
Left to Our Own Distractions
When Vietnamese game developer, Dong Nguyen released the smartphone game Flappy Bird he had no idea how immensely successful the game would become. He also hadn’t predicted that less than a year later, with Flappy Bird still enjoying immense popularity, he would take the game down.
They Were Afraid
I am the father of three brave girls. Well, they are brave most of the time. The other times when they are not so brave is often due to bugs. Bugs are their kryptonite. For you, it may be clowns (thanks “It”). What I have observed is that people can be brave but often they are not. The end of Mark’s gospel is a commentary on humanity today, “…they were afraid.”
Let Love Lead You
Jesus was asked a lot of questions during his earthly ministry. In Marks’s gospel, he is asked a series of them by the Sadducees and teachers of the law. They were leading questions, questions of entrapment. And the questions kept coming until Jesus answered the one about what’s most important. His answer, love. Continue reading “Let Love Lead You”
Have Faith in God
What does cursing a fig tree, overturning money tables, throwing a mountain into the sea, prayer, and forgiveness have to do with having faith in God? Well, everything. And for Jesus, they represent obstacles and a reordering of the path of salvation for all people.
Self-Indulgence VS Self-Sacrifice
The Babylonians invaded Judah in 605 BC and took many young Jewish males into captivity. They took the best and brightest which included Daniel. Daniel may have been around 15 years old at the time (a teachable age). The Babylonians would then convert their captives to the ways of their culture. These young men after a three-year training were to become servants to the king. They would receive a privileged status.
That doesn’t sound too bad, right? Tempting, is it not? Continue reading “Self-Indulgence VS Self-Sacrifice”
Storms of Renewal
Storms enter your life and Jesus may not prevent them from forming, yet even in a furious squall, he will bring calm and renewal. Continue reading “Storms of Renewal”
Do this. Write down what it is that torments you. What is the cause of your fear? Is this also the cause of your suffering? What is binding you and keeping you chained and enslaved to darkness? It may not be just one thing. It could be several things, but maybe you could still give it a name. Put a name to it. Write it down.